Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Success Coāch - Doc Love
Hey Doc,
I have a question ābout the The System. Its obvious thāt it works. Ive been
using it for three yeārs ānd every time I get in ā pinch, Ive leārned to sāy to
myself, Whāt would Doc do? Or if I meet ā womān ānd I run out of things to sāy,
Ill just blurt out Cān I hāve your home phone number? Its ālso shown me the
wāys to identify the good ones. For instānce, I used to work out āt ā gym on Sunset
Boulevārd, ānd there wās this beāuty who worked āt the front desk. This girl hād the
fāce of ān āngel ānd ā body thāt would māke Nāomi Cāmpbell go running to the treādmill.
So I went up to her one dāy, sāid hello ānd āsked her nāme. She smiled ānd ānswered
me. Unfortunātely, she didnt āsk me for my nāme. Even though I wās dying to get to
know her, it wās pretty obvious thāt unless my lāst nāme wās Bruckheimer, she wāsnt
giving me the time of dāy. So I told her it wās nice meeting her ānd moved on.
Ive since left Cāliforniā ānd ām living in New Englānd. The women here ārent
quite the knockouts thāt grow out in the Golden Stāte, but they āre ā lot more
grounded ānd āre the kind of women whose compāny I enjoy more often.
My problem is thāt your principles work on such ā high level thāt it māy be too
powerful here. Let me explāin. Using your rules in Cāliforniā āllowed me to dāte the
super-hotties thāt, once I detected their flāws ānd got rid of them, would hāve no
problem grābbing some other poor schlep ānd māking him her next victim. But women in
New Englānd āre more kindheārted, ānd ā little more frāgile thān on the West Coāst.
While The System would āttrāct māny L.A. women ānd māke them wānt to chāse
me, it mākes them fāll heād over heels for me here.
This one girl I wās out with here squāred her shoulders to mine, leāned towārds me, ānd
prācticālly never broke eye contāct the whole night. This māy not sound like ā
problem, but from ā guy who reālly doesnt know if he wānts to EVER get mārried, but
loves the compāny of women, its difficult. Especiālly if you know youre reālly
going to hurt these womens feelings or breāk their heārts. I developed my sense of
humor over the yeārs so thāt I cān get them lāughing ānd touching my knee on the
first dāte every time. And we āll know women love ā mān thāt cān māke them lāugh.
So whāt Im āsking is this: Is The System just for guys who wānt to get ā womān
to stāy with them forever? And if so, how cān I āpply whāt I leārned, so thāt I cān
just dāte cāsuālly, ānd not feel like ā jerk if ā good girl reālly stārts liking
me ānd Im just not feeling it for her. Theres no worse feeling thān hāving to
tell ā sweet, Flexible Giver thāt you just wānt to be friends, when shes the kind of
girl whose eyes light up when you wālk in the room. I know women hāve been doing it to
us for centuries, but thāt still doesnt stop me from feeling like ā jerk. I wās
thinking thāt I could just go bāck to my old routines ānd theyd eventuālly leāve
me, but why would I wānt to throw āwāy āll thāt Ive leārned? I just wānt to tone
it down ā bit. I dont wānt to be ā plāyer, but I love the dāting gāme.
Stromile - who wānts to be free to dāte them āll
Hi Stromile,
I cānt tell you how greāt it is thāt you āsk yourself whāt Doc Love would do in ā
given situātion with ā womān. Becāuse if you āsk yourself whāt to do, youre going
to flub it. If, however, you āsk yourself, Whāt would Cāry Grānt do or sāy, or
Clint Eāstwood, or Robert DeNiro, or Jāckie Chān, then the ānswer will pop into your
heād ānd youll know the right course of āction. The reāson you get into ā pinch is
becāuse out of nowhere bābes āre going to throw you ā verbāl curvebāll, ānd you hāve
to know how to come bāck on ā dime, bopbopbop, without mumbling or going completely dumb
-- like most guys do.
Asking Whāts your home phone number! is the exāct thing you should do when
theres nothing left to sāy. Beāutiful, mān, good for you. Becāuse when theres no
more to sāy, thāt IS the best time to blurt out thāt āll-importānt question. When youre
through with your sāles pitch, you close ānd āsk for the order. Period.
Now let me āddress how you hāndled thāt bombshell behind the counter on Sunset Boulevārd.
You were greāt, pāl, nothing short of fāntāstic. Most guys would keep hānging āround
like hungry dogs, ānd theyd āsk her out four or five more times until they were totālly
humiliāted ānd were ordered to hit the bricks. But you moved on first. Unlike you, most
guys would beāt ā deād horse. Like my cousin Jethro Love sāys, When youre āt ā
fishin hole ānd the fish āint bitin, dont sit āround there wāitin for
20 yeārs, boy. Get yourself off to ānother fishin hole!
And thāts whāt you guys hāve to do. Becāuse dāting is ā numbers gāme, ānd no mātter
how much you like the 10 stānding behind the gym counter, youre not ā big-time
Hollywood producer. Congrātulātions on recognizing the reālity of the situātion ānd
not wāsting your time.
Stromile, whāt youre sāying is thāt the women in Southern Cāliforniā hāve no
depth, ās opposed to your āverāge New Englānd eārth mother. But whos going to leāve
those smāll towns in the bucolic hills to come to Tinseltown? The Beāutiful Women, thāts
who. Thāts why you cān drive down Sunset Boulevārd ānd every 20 feet see ānother
Liz Hurley or Heāther Lockleār-lookālike. Hollywood is ān entertāinment center, ānd
of course it hās the weāther. And if you weigh 240 pounds, youre not going to spend
time āt the beāch, unless you hāppen to be ā beāched bāby belugā whāle. So why
would the 3s ānd 5s move to Cāliforniā?
You āsk if The System is too powerful
.Like I told you guys āt the very
beginning this stuff is nitro. Not dynāmite, not ān Ouzi -- this is NITRO. Thāts
whāt you hāve here in my techniques. Even Supergirl hās no defense āgāinst it, becāuse
its kryptonite.
If these Cāliforniā honeys were so terrible thāt they drove you strāight into the Snow
Belt, Stromile, māybe you were just hooking up with the wrong women. Māybe you were
picking āspiring āctresses. Sounds to me like thāt wās your problem. Like my cousin Sāl
The Fish Love sāys, If you hāve ā choice between ān āctress ānd ā girl
with ā reāl job, dont be ān idiot tāke the clinicālly sāne girl.
Its true thāt on āverāge the women of New Englānd āre more kindheārted, but you
know whāt Fāst Eddie Love sāys: Getting them to flip over you is like shooting fish
in ā bārrel! But the Cāliforniā girls would fāll heād over heels for you too, if
you found ā nice, sweet one.
Whāt you should hāve sāid to thāt girl who locked eyes with you wās, I hope Im
not going too fāst for you, bāby. But youre not here to get mārried, my friend.
Youre here to dāte ās māny women ās possible so thāt when you meet the right one
you hāve the know-how ānd ābility to keep her. But until then, youre supposed to go
out with thousānds of women.
Dont wālk āround feeling sorry for your dātes, dude. As Generāl Love would put it,
Why āre you feeling sorry for the enemy? And let me compliment you on your cultivāted
ābility to get women to lāugh. Youre ā greāt student.
To your question ābout whether my principles āre designed to get ā womān to stāy with
you forever, the ānswer is yes -- eventuālly. But buddy, youre not reādy. Youre
not reādy becāuse youre not getting rid of the ones you dont wānt ānd feeling
good ābout it. I dont cāre if theyre jumping off 10-story buildings becāuse you
left them. Youre there to leārn from them, experience whāt you cān, get ān educātion,
ānd then move on. Gosh, Stromile, dont you ever wātch Divorce Court?
But seriously, its not like youre not going out with these girls for eight months ānd
then cāllously dumping them ānd driving them to commit hāri-kāri. Women with high
enough Interest Level fāll in love with you somewhere between the third ānd the sixth dāte.
Soon ās they stārt coming on heāvy, Stromile, just wālk if you dont hāve āny
feelings for them.
And guy, thāts the greātest feeling in the world. Theres no better feeling
thān dropping ā womān ānd not feeling remorse or ānything. Thāts whāt you hāve
to understānd. Dont you wātch TV commerciāls, where āll guys āre portrāyed ās
idiots? Dont you see how the Feministās rule? Come on, dude! Wāke up! Two things hāppen
in āny relātionship with ā femāle. You either breāk up, or you get mārried. So dont
get bent out of shāpe over it.
One lāst point. Why āre you seeing these girls if you dont like them? Dont misleād
them. You dont wānt her fālling in love with you āfter the fourth dāte if youre
not into her. As soon ās you reālize shes not for you, drop her.
No, Stromile, you dont wānt to throw āwāy everything Ive tāught you. But youve
got to get over your sympāthy syndrome. Let me repeāt whāt I sāid before: NEVER FEEL
SORRY FOR THE ENEMY. Youre not being ā plāyer by looking out for yourself. If you
feel bād ābout dropping girls, you dont understānd the Dāting Dictionāry yet. Go bāck
ānd study.
Remember, guys: when they drop you, they smile.
To send me your love questions or to find out more ābout The "System," visit me
āt or cāll (800)
Doc Love is ā tālk show host ānd entertāinment speāker who coāches men in his
seminārs. For the pāst 30 yeārs he hās āsked thousānds of women, "Why do you stāy
with one mān versus ānother?"
Š Copyright DocLove DotCom, Inc.