Name: Brian Ward
Country(city): United States (Oklahoma City)
Age: 34
Date of birth: March 10, 1968
Weight (kg): 102
Height (cm): 187
Marital status: never married
Smokes: No
Languages: English
About me: I am sensitive, ambitious and hard-working. I love to watch college American football and basketball. I am a Christian and go to church 2-3 times a week. I am trying to be more easy-going and have more of a sense of humor. I work out once a week. I have a masters degree in business.
Looking for: Genuine, feminine, faithful Christian young lady from 20 to 29 years old, preferably not divorced and no children. She is in good physical condition.
Address : 1412 Sun Drop Lane, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73128 U.S.A.
Phone: 405-627-8853




      Brian Ward